H(L10-2) 5/8 /2017

H(L10-2) 5/8 /2017

HW Due: 5/10/2017, Wednesday

Test for L(10-2): 5/12 /2017, Friday
Work and study on 生字 and 送分題on 5/8, Monday. Ms. Hsieh will check your HW and your understanding in class on 5/9, Tuesday.

(一)生字New Words:




(二)問題(题)questions和回答 responses : Please do not repeat the same vocabulary. 
1你多常去.....( doing something).....? Please response with 每.
2, Have you heard ......( doing something) is good for your health?
Please response with, I am sorry,  I do not think so.
3, 吃過(过).....和......?Please response with 我吃過(过)...., 可是....
4, What breakfast do you like? Please response with 喜歡(欢).....和......還(还)有...... 
5, Is ....better taste than......? Please response.
6, Have you been to Chinatown for breakfast?  please response with either situation.
1), Yes, and explain what did you have for breakfast.
2), No, but explain what would you like to eat.
(三)Translation and writing翻譯和寫():

What would you say in the following situation? Please write for each scenario.

Scenario 1:

You were invited to Xiao Wan's house for breakfast.  Mrs. Wang cooked a wonderful Chinese breakfast for you. Now write a thank-you note in Characters to Mrs. Wang. Make sure to tell her what you think of the breakfast and what you like the best.

Scenario 2:
You are in a breakfast dinning cafe in Chinatown. People there do not speak English and you have lost your voice, therefore, you have to write a note to tell what you want. 
First note: To explain you can not talk today and you have to write to them to communicate.
Second note : To explain what would you like to eat and drink for a Chinese breakfast.
Third note: After breakfast, write a thank note to tell them that breakfast was delicious and what your preferences were.