H(L3-2) 11/8-11/16/2017

H(L3-2) 11/8-11/16/2017

Objective :
·    Ask people from different social levels of  their names

  1. 他姓什么?
  2. 请看老师
  3.  你的好朋友是谁?
  4. 这是 Zhè shì( this is)吗?
  5. 英文怎么Zěn me( how)说"小"?
  7. 外文Wàiwén(foreign language)姓名
  8. 德文班的学生


10. 对不对?
11. 没关系

译/ 问问题(問問題)和回答  Ask Translate/ask the questions and respond to the questions.

1,  What is your Chinese name? (Please respond to it.)
2, 请问…? ( May I ask how to say Dragon and Phoenix in English?)(Please respond to it.)
3,  ….是不是 ?  (Is this your Chinese name?)(Please Translate the question and respond to it.)
4, Is Ma3 Da4 Ming2 and Wang2 Wei3 good students? ….? (Please respond to it.) 
5,  谁是….?  Who is teacher Wang2?(Please respond to it.)
6,  Is your Chinese teachers surname Xie4, right? (Please respond to it.)


1, How do the people in the following pictures ask each other their names and surnames at their first meeting? Choose appropriate questions from the Question bank for these pictures.

2, Draw a teacher and a friend. Please brainstorm as many sentences as possible to introduce these two people.
Some useful words for you to choose for your sentences: , , , , , , , 不,

HW due by 11/14

完成所有的生字 Finish all Vocabulary and 送分Bonus

Prepare quiz on 11/14

  1. 他姓什么?
  2. 请看老师
  3.  你的好朋友是谁?
  4. 这是 吗?
  5. 英文怎么Zěnme( how)说"小"?

HW due by 11/15
finish all questions and responses
Prepare quiz on 11/15
  7. 外文姓名
  8. 德文班的学生
10. 对不对?
11. 没关系

HW 11/16
 Finish情境题Scenario 1 and 2

 Prepare for the test on 11/16