
生字( 50 points):

1, 十二生肖

2, 希望明天見
3, 都會(会)去
4, 想知道

5, 你屬(属)什麼(么)
6, 打電話給(
7, 手機(机)號(号)碼(

8, 昨天幾(几)號(号)
9, 新年快樂(
10, 去年


Questions問題 and造句 Sentences:(50 point)

1, I would like to invite you and your family to my house next Sunday. Ok. See you next Sunday. We are all going.

 2, What is yesterday's date? (Please provide an answer.) 

3, 請  do you know Ma-Wens telephone number? I dont know, you can ask my younger  sister.

   4, Since Ma-Wen called me last year, therefore I know his cell phone number. 

5, what year were you born? Please provide an answer.

6,請 What is your older sister zodiac sign? She is a cat. What ? Cat is not  in the zodiac sign.