H(L8-3) 3/27/2017

Homework : H(L8-3) 3/27/2017

HW Due: 3/22/2017, Wednesday

  Test for L8(1-3): 3/29 /2017, Thursday
Work and study on 生字 and 送分題on 3/29, Monday. Ms. Hsieh will check your HW and your understanding in class on 3/21, Tuesday.

生字New Words:


問題(题)和回答 :
1, 我想請(请)........。Please provide a response with 都會(会)去.

2, 因為(为)⋯,所以..... 

3, Create a question with the response is "OK, I will call you at school next Sunday ". Please write the question and the response in Chinese .

4, what is your older sister's zodiac sign? Please provide a response.) 

5,  I would like to know what is your younger brother's  birthday  ? Please provide a response with "My younger brother's birthday was last Saturday". 

6, 請问what is the school's telephone number? Please provide a response with " I do not know, you can ask Ma-Wen."

 Translation and writing翻譯和寫(写)作:

What would you say in the following situation? Please create a conversation for each scenario.(? sentences)

Scenario 1: A is talking to B, a Chinese class student. They try to find out each other's age by tracing their Zodiac Sign. They also mention their likes and dislikes of Zodiac Animals. ( Please create the conversation in Chinese)

Scenario 2: A is calling B. A invite B to his/her home on next Sunday and tell B why he/she wants to invite B. Since B has never been to A's house, A is telling B his/her house number and phone number.( Please create the phone conversation in Chinese)