H(L11-3) 6/5/2017

HW Due: 6/8/2017,Thursday

Test for Q(L11-3): 6/9/2017, Friday
Work and study on 生字 and 送分題on 6/5, Monday. Ms. Hsieh will check your HW and your understanding in class on 6/6 Tuesday.

(一)生字New Words:

(樱)桃 很生 


(二)問題()questions和回答 responses : 

1, What is your favorite fruit? Please response with 我特別....,因為(为)....(极)了.
2,  Why do we call the little sister Cherry Big King? Please response with 常常.
3, In which month does the apple smell the best? Please response.
4, Why does the big sister like to drink lemonade? Please response.
5, Which one is sour? Banana or litchi? Please response with neither are sour, they are both sweet.
6, Why does fox get mad and said"  The grape must be sour?"  Please response with 為(为) fox can only .....but can not ....所以...

(三) What would you say in the following situation? Please write for each scenario.

Scenario 1: You are asked to write a paragraph(or two) to memorize someone 's birthday in your family. Please answer the following questions in your writing:
  1. Whose birthday was it?
  2.  When was it?
  3.  How old was this person?
  4. Who did come for the birthday?
  5. Because the birthday person especially likes fruit, so what kind of fruit did your mother buy買 () Mǎi? 
  6. Was there any kind fruit juice 果汁 included?
  7. What is the preference of your fruit choice and why? 
  8.  What did your family do on that day besides eating the fruit?

Scenario 2:

Create a dialogue about a conversation you have with " Mr. I do not know ". 
"Mr. I do not know" does not know anything at all. He does not know if the watermelon sweet or not? He does not know which fruit is the most sweet? He does not know who does like what fruit? He does not know if there are red apples in America? He does not know what litchi is?  He does not know how big the mango is? He does not know which fruit is tasty? He does not know what date today is? If you ask him what do you know? He would say, " I do not know." So everyone calls him "I do not know big king".