H(L3-4) 11/27-12/1/2017

H(L3-4) 11/27-12/1/2017

Objective :

·                ·    Ask and respond to questions about a person’s basic information
·                ·    Look for a person by asking ” Whose…? ”. 

 生 Vocabulary

  1.. 谁是你的法国朋友?
  2. 这是zhè shì( this is)德文老师?
  3. 他们都叫她小凤吗?
  4. 你知道他姓什么吗?
  5. 请问,你有沒有外文姓名?
  6. 英文怎么zěn me( how)?
  7. 说什么?
  8. 你听不懂, 对不对?
  9.  我是西班牙文班的学生


  10. 学生问老师
  11. 对不起, 没关系

问问题(問問題)和回答 Ask the questions and respond to the questions.

1,  …说什么?(Please respond to it.)
2, 这是誰的…?(Please respond to it.)
3,  你知道?  Do you know the last name of your Chinese teacher? (Please translate the question and respond to it.)
4,…是…吗? (Please respond to it.) 
5, … 有沒有…? (Please respond to it.)
6,  …怎么说? (Please respond to it.)

情境scenario :
 1,  Draw a person. Give this person an English full name and Chinese full name. Present basic information about this person including his/her nationality, what language he/she speaks, which teachers he/she has, and the good friend he/she has.

   2, Write a script for a skit based on the comic strip.

  HW due by 11/27

完成所有的生字Vocabulary and 送分Bonus

Prepare quiz on 11/28
1.. 谁是你的法国朋友?
  2. 这是zhè shì( this is)誰的德文老师?
  3. 他们都叫她小凤吗?
  4. 你知道他姓什么吗?
  5. 请问,你有沒有外文姓名?

HW due b11/28

Prepare quiz on 11/29
  6. 英文怎么zěn me( how)说 ?
  7. 说什么?
  8. 你听不懂, 对不对?
  9.  我是西班牙文班的学生
  10. 学生問老师
  11. 对不起, 没关系

HW due by 11/29
完成情境Scenario 1 and Scenario 2
Prepare for the test on 11/30