H(L5-3) 1/15-1/119/2018

H(L5-3) 1/11-1/119/2018

Objective :

·    Identify different occupation
·    Ask questions about someone’s occupation
生 字Vocabulary
2. 你的哥哥是不是运动员?
3. 馬律师是一个大律师
4.  王医生真棒!
6.  你的阿姨是做什么的?
7. 他的弟弟是电脑工程师吗?
8.  那个商人有两个小女孩
9. 我真高兴见到我的爷爷和奶奶
10. 他是很不错的男护士
11. 你有哥哥真好!

问问题(問問題)和回答 Ask the questions and respond to the questions.
2, …的…是做什么的?
3,   …是不是…?....不是…, 可是….
4, …有没有…?有…, 还有…
5, …有几个 …?...只有…,可是…没有…
6, …和…都有…?.是…., 可是…都只有….

情境 scenario :
1, A tour from China: Here is information about members of a tour from China who will visit New York soon.  Imagine you are a travel agent who is making arrangements for this tour. Please work for the following situations:
Please answer the following questions in Chinese if it applies:
1), How many males and females does this tour have?
2), These tourists have requested six rooms. Who will be in each room? Use the English letter s to identify the people in each room. Remember that husband and wife, father and son, and grandmother and granddaughter can share a room.
Room 1:
Room 2:
Room 3:
Room 4:
Room 5:
Room 6:
3), The second day after their arrival will be Mother’s day. The agency would like to give every mother a rose. How many roses should you have for these tourists?
4), There will be one afternoon for the tourists to visit the places relating to their occupations. Please use the letters to identify the people who might be interested in the following places.
  • Hospital:
  • K-12 School:
  • Courthouse:
  • University:
  • Company:
  • Engine museum:

情境 scenario 2
Read the following passage and answer the questions in Chinese:

1), Is Xiao Wang a student? What does he do?
2), Are there many people in his family? Who are they?
3), What is special about Wang’s family? Give some details.

 HW due by 1/16

完成所有的生字Vocabulary and 送分Bonus

 Pracitve  Vocabulary on 1/16
2. 你的哥哥是不是运动员?
3. 馬律师是一个大律师
4.  王医生真棒!
6.  你的阿姨是做什么的?

Prepare quiz on 1/17
7. 他的弟弟是电脑工程师吗? 8.  那个商人有两个小女孩 
9. 我真高兴见到我的爷爷和奶奶
10. 他是很不错的男护士
11. 你有哥哥真好

HW due by 1/17
完成情境Scenario 1 
Prepare Oral Test 

HW due by 1/18
完成情境Scenario 2 
Oral Test

Prepare for the written test on 1/19