H(L7-2) 2/26-3/2/2018

H(L7-2) 2/26-3/2/2018

·   Identify what different animals can do
·   Tell the qualities of an animal

 1. 物园里有没有熊猫?
2. 猴子会叫, 也会爬, 会跳Tiào Jump?
3. 老虎很凶Xiōng fierce,也很可怕!
4. 猪很胖,可是很可
5. 兔子不会游水,可是会跑
6. 不会,可是老
7. 我喜学中文,因很好玩。
8. 你什么喜那一个条蛇?
9. 那一条蛇又明又好看。

10. 你家里有几只小狗?
11. 我有两牛,有六十匹

Ask the questions and respond to the questions.
1. ... 什么...?因
 2. ... 有没有...? 
3. …会…,也会...,会…?
4.  ...很...可是很... ?
5. ...(不)会…,可是…
 6. ... 得... 很..., 也很… ?

情境 scenario 1 :
Choose the animal names( do not repeat the same animal names), verbs or measure words to finish the following sentences. Please rewrite the whole sentences.
1.         ….和…会
2.         ….和…会游水。
3.         熊猫会…
4.         ….和…又会跑又会叫。
5.         老虎不会…可是会…。
6.         狗会……,也会...,会…。   
8.         一…
9.         三…猪
10.         四…
11.    五…
12.    六…蛇
13.    七…牛
14.    八…

情境 scenario 2: 

 This scenario will be an oral presentation on 3/8/2018.
Create an imaginary zoo poster with visuals. Letter size poster is OK,  you will take a picture and submit the poster through Google classroom assignment. 

You should include the following information in Chinese.
1.         What animals are in the different areas of your zoo?

2.         What can these animal do?

The  Zoo Presentation rubric assessment is below:

Poor drawing with very little information.
Poor craftsmanship.
Poor handwriting.
Few Details with some clear information in drawing to define some sections in the Zoo.  Fair craftsmanship.
Fair handwriting.
Plenty Details with clear information in drawing to define many sections in the Zoo. Craftsmanship is good.
Good handwriting.
Plenty and creative details with clear information in drawing to guide audiences to define the well-organized sections in the zoo. Craftsmanship is excellent.
Excellent handwriting.
Oral Speech
Poor speech (voice volume, pronunciation, fluency) skills with very little details to describe the zoo.
Clear speech (voice volume, pronunciation, fluency) with enough information to describe the zoo. The speech is less than one minute.
Clear speech (voice volume, pronunciation, and fluency) with plenty information to describe the zoo The speech is more than one minutes but less than one minutes and 30 seconds minutes.
Clear speech (voice volume, pronunciation, and fluency) with great and interesting information to describe the zoo The speech is more than one minute and 30 seconds but less than 2 minutes and 30 seconds.
Poor writing with many incorrect grammars and Chinese characters.  With the little  description of zoo is unclear to define the zoo.
Writing with some mistakes on grammar and Chinese characters.  Few description of zoo is giving some information to define the zoo.
Writing with few mistakes on grammar and Chinese characters.  Plenty description of zoo is clear to define the zoo.
Writing with few or no mistakes on grammar and Chinese characters.  Excellent description of zoo is clear and well organized to define the zoo.

HW due by 2/26

完成所有的生字Vocabulary and 送分Bonus

Prepare quiz on 2/27
1. 物园里有没有熊猫?
2. 猴子会叫,也会爬,会跳Tiào Jump? 
3. 老虎很凶Xiōng fierce,也很可怕!
4. 猪很胖,可是很可.
5. 兔子不会游水,可是会跑
6. 不会,可是老

HW due by 2/27


Prepare quiz on 2/28

7. 我喜学中文,因很好玩.
8. 你什么喜那一个条蛇?
9. 那一条蛇又明又好看
10. 你家里有几只小狗
11. 我有两牛,有六十匹.

HW due by 2/28
完成情境題Scenario 1 
HW due by 3/1
完成情境題Scenario 2 

Prepare for the test on 3/2