H(L8-3) 4/2-4/6/2018

H(L8-3) 4/2-4/6/2018

Objective :

·    Identify and ask for someone’s house number and telephone number
·    Invite someone to come over

1. 王医生的家几号?
2. 李律师的电话号码几号?
3. 你知道不知道他的手机号码?
4. 我想请你来我的生日聚会.
 5. 太好了!祝你(Zhù nǐ wish you)生日快乐!
 6. 对不起, 我不能去.Bùnéng qù (cannot come).
 7. 你可以不可以明天来我家玩?
   8. 昨天我打电话给你,可是你不在.
 9. 为什么他的名字叫小龙?因为他属龙.


  10. 没关係 (Méi guānxì  It is OK.)

   11. 爷爷比我大七十二岁.

问问题(問問題)和回答 Ask the questions and respond to the questions.

1. 谁知道…的…几号?  
2. …知道不知道….?
3. 你可以不可以…来…玩? 可以, …
       4 . 你能不能去…?对不起, …
   5. 你有没有…? I called you yesterday but you were not home.
   6. 知道我的…比…大吗?  真的,所以…

情境 scenario 1:
  Create a phone dialogue (8 sentences or more) and include the following information in your dialogue.

1.          Tell the person when is your party.
2.           Invite the person to your party.
3.          Ask him/her if he or .she knows someone’s telephone number?

情境 scenario 2:
Wang Xiaolong is an American student in Chinese Level one. His Chinese class is looking for pen pals in a middle school in Beijing. The American students are to write first about themselves. Then the Chinese side will respond. Now help Xialong draft the letter with the following information included:
1.          His name
2.          His nationality
3.          The grade he is in
4.          The year in which he was born
5.          Long-his zodiac sign
6.          Why he is called Xialong

 HW due by 4/2
完成所有的生字Vocabulary and 送分Bonus
Prepare quiz on 4/3

1. 王医生的家几号?
2. 李律师的电话号码几号?
3. 你知道不知道他的手机号码?
4. 我想请你来我的生日聚会.
 5. 太好了!祝你生日快乐!
6. 对不起, 我不能去. 

HW due by 4/3
Prepare quiz on 4/4
   7. 你可以不可以明天来我家玩?
        8. 昨天我打电话给你,可是你不在.
   9. 为什么他的名字叫小龙?因为他属龙.
   10. 没関係 (Méi guānxì  It is OK.)
    11. 爷爷比我大七十二岁.

HW due by 4/4
完成情境Scenario 1 
Prepare Oral test on 3/29

HW due by 4/5
完成情境Scenario 2 

Prepare for the test on 4/6