H(L4-3) 12/13-12/22/2017

HW(L4-3) 12/13-12/22/2017

Objective :
·      Ask people how they are doing
·     Respond to people’s compliments in a culturally appropriate way

 1.那是中学的新校长(Xiào zhǎng, Principle)?
   2. 是我的小学同学.
      3. 你的朋友来美国学英文?
      4. 是你的先生?
      5. 你的中文老师很老吗?
          6. 请进, 迎你来我家.
          7. 王小姐说中文很好听
 8. 见到你很高兴(Gāoxìng, happy)!
      9. 你学中文还可以吗?


   10. 你的妈妈(Māmā, mother)怎么?
   11. 你的爸爸(Bàba, father)学法文吗?

 问问题(問問題)和回答 Ask the questions and respond to the questions.
1  .好极了!  Please respond in two different ways.
2, 都学? ( Please use the following vocabulary to make 3 responses 对/不对/不知道)
3,  那是谁的…?Please respond
4, 中学的新怎么样? Please answer in 5 different ways.
5,  你欢迎我來吗? Please respond
6,  王小姐是..的..吗?Please respond

情境Scenario :
 1,  Please copy the following initial remarks and respond to each of them.
1)   你好!
2)   你好吗?
3)   谢谢!
4)   对不起.
5)   我说中文.
6)   你的中文真好!
7)   我是新学生.
8)   见到你很高兴.
9)   谁啊?

 Scenario 2
 Imagine you are a new student in your Chinese class in Taiwan. You are in Taiwan to learn Chinese.  Your best friend from America is already in this class studying Chinese. Please write a paragraph to introduce yourself to your class by starting with: 你好, 我叫...
Make sure to tell your English name, Chinese name, your nationality, the reason you are in Taiwan and who is your best friend.

 HW due by 12/18

完成所有的生字Vocabulary and 送分Bonus

Prepare quiz on 12/19 
   1. 那是中学的新校长?
2. 是我的小学同学.
   3. 你的朋友来美国学英文?
   4. 是你的先生?

HW due by 12/19
Prepare quiz on 12/20
   5. 你的中文老师很老吗?
     6. 请进, 迎你来我家.
     7. 王小姐说中文很好听
   8. 见到你很高兴!
HW due by 12/20
Prepare quiz on 12/21
       9. 你学中文还可以吗?
   10. 你的妈妈怎么?
   11. 你的爸爸学法文吗?

Hw due by 12/21
完成情境題Scenario 2

Prepare test on 12/22